I want to get your take on something… Who is responsible for the success of a date? 1. He is. 2. You are. 3. You’re both equally responsible. Got your answer? It probably seems pretty obvious to you. But for me all three of those options hold a little truth. No matter which answer you picked, you hit on something important for relationships . And at the end of this article, you will know the secret that makes a REALLY great date. Option #1. HE is responsible for the date. If a man asks you out on a date, then clearly he’s responsible for the outcome. He’s the one who asked to see you. He’s the one who decided what you’d be doing and where you’d be doing it. If it’s a flop, then it’s clearly his fault. He didn’t put enough effort into it. Any guy who thinks that showing up is good enough—he doesn’t have to hold up his end of the conversation, or put on a clean shirt, or pretend to be interested—needs to wake up. Women don’t want boys. They’re looking for real men who don’t need hand-ho...