Relationships are places where you can let down your guard and show your true self. Relationships are places where you can open your heart and let love in. But relationships are also places where you can be hurt… Where you can experience betrayal. That’s why you need relationship self-defense. Even in Love, You Need Protection Relationship self-defense is based on the premise that in love, just as in life, we’re going to get hurt. So it makes sense to learn to protect ourselves. This doesn’t mean anticipating the worst. It doesn’t mean acting aggressive or hiding behind thick armor. It’s simply about knowing how to protect yourself emotionally if you need to. When you take a self-defense class, you hope you’ll go through your entire life never needing those skills. But you can take comfort in knowing that, if you do need them, you’ll have them on hand. Relationship self-defense skills are there for when you need them. You may not use them often, but you’ll always have...