Article from Amy Waterman[1] "Are you tired of ending up in relationships where you do all the work? Tell me if this is familiar: Both of you put in a long day’s work, but when you come home, you start in on the 1001 chores that need doing… While he puts his feet up or goes off to the gym and expects the magic housecleaning fairy to clean his clothes and make dinner. Back in the days when families were divided into a breadwinner and a homemaker, that division of labor made sense. It doesn’t anymore. A majority of couples (about two-thirds) both work outside the home. Yet dating advice hasn’t been updated to reflect this new reality. Women are still being taught to woo a man by making him special meals and prioritizing his needs and letting him lead. Whereas, in fact, women today need a partner who can pull his own weight , share the decision-making , and acknowledge and respect her needs. To make matters worse, the way most women approach lo...