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The Cupid Effect - Men Commit When They Feel This

If you're in a relationship with a man who won't commit or is drifting away, then please help thank today's sponsor, Carlos Cavallo by taking a look at his presentation.

Hi, My name is Carlos.
If you've ever wondered why men pull away just when things are going great...
Why he grows cold and distant... Why he starts blaming you and becoming defensive...
  • If you're tired of his excuses about why he isn't there for you...
  • If you're currently in a relationship where your man is pulling away or distant...
  • If you want to know how to go from casual - to something intimate and special...
  • OR - if you're looking to find a relationship right now
Read this report to the very end...

If You're A Woman Over The Age Of 30, This Could Be The Most Important Information You Ever See...

And in the next 2 minutes, I'm going to reveal recent discovery about men's emotions...

It's a POWERFUL command hidden in every man's DNA that he must obey.
It's a Trigger for Desire that he's powerless to resist...

This Strange Command Over His Thoughts And Feelings Will Let You Erase All His Defenses And Reluctance

It's called -The Cupid Effect

And it makes him do crazy, impulsive things -
The kind of stuff that poets and authors have written about for thousands of years...
It's the reason that men throw caution to the wind - and become spontaneous romantic.
The Cupid Effect makes him come back to a woman he's left -
AND It makes him see you in a completely new way.
This Cupid Effect is the secret to getting him to stop holding back and dragging his feet.

The Cupid Effect Makes Him Obey His Inner Desire To Reach Out And Love You Deeply And Intimately

It's THE trigger for complete love, commitment to you - and your relationship
His heart will feel connected to yours - glowing with feverish desire and obsessive, passionate devotion.
You see - The Cupid Effect is the unfair advantage for you. It's how you can turn the tide - make him adore you and love you the way you want.
You'll see his eyes soften as he feels this arrow of love hit him...
He'll even feel it in his body deep in his chest like a warm wave flooding his heart with desire for you.
You'll be able to take an FWB - "friends with benefits" - and turn it into blind desire and a committed relationship.
Without having "The Talk" with him...
Without having to play head games...
Without having to pressure him...
  • Even if you think you might have slept with him too soon...
  • Even if you've given up on getting him to commit to you...
  • Even if he's completely ignoring you - your calls and texts...
No matter how hopeless it might seem right at this very momentonce he feels The Cupid Effect take hold on his mind, body, and soul -
Nothing will matter to him more than you!
And he won't even know why he's fallen so hard for you -

Because This Secret Love Law Works Completely Beneath His Awareness...

Before I show you how this Cupid Effect works -
And before I tell you the real-life story of how women like you use this desire trigger every day to create the most romantic and deeply committed relationships of their lives -
Tell me if Maggie's situation sounds familiar to you...
Every time she would go out with a guy, he seemed really into her...
Maggie did her best to be careful and not rush things, trying to say the right thing at the right time - and avoid freaking him out or scaring him away...
And he would start out calling her, texting her all the time.
He would bring her cute gifts, leave notes around her apartment, and drop hints about their future together...

And Then They Got Intimate With Each Other...

And Literally Everything Changed Overnight

He grew distant, stopped calling Maggie...
He responded to her texts hours later - instead of seconds - and usually with just a one-word response: "ok"
The fun romantic gestures disappeared...
And then HE disappeared.
Every so often - when Maggie reached her limit - she would have a small "freak out" that she immediately regretted.
And then she wished she could take back the panic texts and voicemails she sent in a heated moment.

Why Do So Many Relationships Seem To Follow This Pattern?

Why does it start out so wonderful, and then he inevitably pulls away and grows cold?
Like he hits a wall and stops caring...
Why do men withdraw just when you're starting to create something special?
Well, I'm going to reveal the REAL reason men pull this "ghost" routine on you, and how to avoid it ever happening again.
I'm going to show you how to keep his heart open to you forever...

You'll Be Able To Turn Almost Any Situation Around Into Devoted, Passionate, And Committed Connection... 

You have to know how this works, because almost every guy you date will run into this wall with you.
I'm also going to reveal how most men decide whether you're The One for him... Or not.
And how a man decides which woman he commits his heart and soul to.
Which relationships he commits to with feverish desire - and which ones he abandons
There's a good chance that ONE belief you learned as a little girl has ruined a promising relationship for you.
This belief has worn down your self-confidence, and left you feeling miserable about ever finding The One for you... (I'll tell you what that belief is here in a second.)

I Want You To Know - There Is Hope!

You might not have heard of me, but I've been coaching and working with men and women on relationships for over 17 years.
I'm also a trained relationship counselor practicing near Portland, Oregon...
And until I found this secret, I was struggling to help the women I worked with to help them overcome this problem pattern with men.
When a guy stops responding to you and you feel some distance, it's scary.
It feels like this could be the turning point of the relationship going sour. But the truth is that he's just reached a very important phase in the relationship...
Every man goes through it in every relationship.

"This Is What I Call The Deer-In-The-Headlights Moment..."

Have you ever seen a deer caught in a car's lights?
If a deer sees your headlights coming, it will just stop and freeze up right where it stands
Even in the middle of the highway - even in the face of impending doom!
The phrase "deer in the headlights" actually means someone who's paralyzed.
That's what happens to a guy when he's a "Deer-in-the-Headlights."
He's frozen! He's stuck trying to figure out what to do next.
On one hand, he feels the urge to bolt and run for his life... On the other hand, he's stuck in place in your relationship.

All Men Stop Here In A Relationship - Whether You Notice It Or Not

In fact, if he's gone silent on you or withdraws, or he seems a bit distant and impatient with you, or he seems like he's lost interest -
Chances are, he's having a Deer-in-the-Headlights moment
And the headlights are ... YOU!
A man sees your focus on the relationship just like the beams of car headlights.
Some are dim, some are bright, and some are blinding high beams!
Questions like:
  • "Where is the relationship going?"
  • "Where do we stand?"
  • "Where do you see us in 5 years?"
  • "Do you want to have kids?"
And yes, even: 
  • "What are you thinking about?"

Those questions are the headlights that freeze men up - just like a deer...
And while a man might leave a relationship when he feels commitment pressure -

Most Of The Time He'll Stay With You - And Freeze The Relationship In Place...

Giving you excuses as to why he won't commit - dragging his feet for months or even years.
There are three things every guy thinks right at this moment:
  • 1. "Uh-oh... here we go again..."
  • 2. "I'm not sure she's The One for me..."
  • 3. "I think I need some space to figure this out..."
And it's only a matter of time before he does leave.
If you've ever heard any of his excuses - like:
  • "I really want to focus on my career..."
  • "Let's just enjoy what we have..."
  • "I want to take things slow..."
  • "I'm not ready to settle down..."
  • "I don't have time for a relationship right now..."
  • "My ex really hurt me..."
  • "It's hard for me to trust..."
  • “I don't want anything serious right now...”
If you've heard anything like those excuses from a guy, you might accidentally think that he's just afraid of commitment.
But he's actually having a Deer-in-the-Headlights moment!
And then -

You'll Be Frozen Right There With Him - If You Don't Know How To UN-Freeze Him

You need to stop his stalling...
But there IS hope - If he's still paralyzed in the relationship, he hasn't left yet! You can still get him to turn things around and get a real commitment from him.

The key to getting unstuck is knowing how to use The Cupid Effect

The Cupid Effect Works By Releasing His Brakes And Making Him Realize How Right You Are For Him...

"I don't worry about our love anymore - and we always feel connected..."
"When I first heard about the Cupid Effect, I thought it might be more of the same lame advice I always see out there on the Internet --
until I used it on my guy...
I was shocked when he started getting deeply emotional with me, and has opened his heart up completely to our relationship."
 Laura, Madison, WI
"No more distance, no more pulling away from me..."
"It's like awakening the hopeless romantic in him -- no more distance, no more pulling away from me... I'm a believer!"
 Maggie, Nova Scotia

You see, this Cupid Effect is etched into his DNA at the deepest level

Men Are Pre-Programmed To Obey The Cupid Effect - Since It's The Key To His Survival
That may sound harsh, but it's why men are powerless once The Cupid Effect is triggered.
The Cupid Effect is how countless women have saved their relationships from conflict, breakup, and even divorce.
By now you're probably wondering:
What Is The Cupid Effect?
The Cupid Effect is simply this:
In Order For A Man To Fall In Love With You, He Has To FEEL It...

He Has To Feel Love Strike Him PHYSICALLY
IN his body!

Like getting LOVESTRUCK with an arrow.
You see - men don't fall in love little by little - Men fall in love SUDDENLY and completely.
Recent scientific studies show - men tend to fall in love faster than women do.
"Women are more cautious about falling for a guy [than men]..."
- Journal of Social Psychology 2011
Yes, men fall in love as if they were hit by an almost supernatural force
The Cupid Effect Is Just Like Being Shot In The Heart With Love - As If By An Arrow Dipped In Love Potion...
The only word he has for it is .... WOW.
And if he doesn't feel this "Wow" with you - he will slowly lose interest in the relationship, looking around for new options - until he runs into a woman who CAN give him that WOW feeling.
Think about the last time you fell HARD for a guy...
It didn't take weeks and weeks, did it?
It happened fast... And you may not have thought you were in love - but you FELT it in your body, maybe even in your heart.
Guys are the same way...!
This feeling of being head over heels in love can't stop thinking about you, struck-by-lightning, DESIRE.
This feeling is the Cupid Effect!

The Cupid Effect Is Much More Powerful Than Infatuation Or A "Crush"

 it's why we call it being "lovestruck"
And the best part is that you already have the arrow to hit him with!
He'll adore you and pull you close to his chest, he will try to figure out how to spend more and more time with you.
And he'll suddenly realize that you're The One for him!

SECRET: A man knows you're The One when he feels you're irresistible and he can't stop thinking about you...

He'll believe it was all meant to be - and that you're the source of his happiness
He'll never think for a minute that you triggered his deepest desire for you
When I uncovered The Cupid Effect.

Here's How The Cupid Effect Works In A Man:

Have you ever been pulled over by the police? For speeding, or any reason?
Even if you haven't been, you probably know THAT feeling... You're startled when you see the flashing lights of a police car or emergency vehicle behind you.
It starts your heart drumming, and makes you wake up and pay attention
All of a sudden, your focus is redirected to what is going on around you
  • Adrenaline surges into your bloodstream -
  • Your mouth goes dry...
  • Your heart beats faster...
  • You break into a sweat...
  • You're on alert
Now the EXACT same thing happens in a man's mind and body when a woman hits him with this Adrenaline Arrow of Desire.

Can you think of 48 reasons or more why you love them? If yes, you can use this book to write down the reasons and show them how much you care, how much you love them. Men fall for women because of how those women make them feel. This book consists of 48 blank pages of size 8.25 x 6 inches in Matt finish cover. Great gift idea on Valentine's Day, birthdays and anniversary and special days.

48 Reasons Why I Love You

The key to getting unstuck is knowing how to use The Cupid Effect

The Cupid Effect Works By Releasing His Brakes And Making Him Realize How Right You Are For Him...


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