Lots of things matter in life. Your career. Your health. Your finances. But nothing matters quite as much as your relationships.
The man you love could be standing right in front of you, but you simply don't know how to win his heart. Or problems rob your relationship of momentum before it can become what it was meant to be.
How To Build Relationship Momentum Fast
Momentum matters. Your relationship needs forward momentum. Without it you feel stuck in the mud. Like a race car with tons of horsepower but tires that spin uselessly in a muddy ditch
Secret #1: Think beyond the First Step
The way you build momentum is by investing in a future you feel confident about. You begin to take small actions that reflect the confidence you feel in what the relationship will become.
Two people who love each other so much their greatest happiness in life comes from making the other partner happy. When both people feel this way, a tremendous amount of value (translate: happiness) has been unlocked by a decision to be together.
Secret # 2: The 1% Rule
So we're talking about momentum as it applies to your romantic life. How do you use the 1% rule to build momentum in your relationship right now?
Trying to improve things by just 1% has all these benefits:
Get him to take action. Think small. Then think even smaller than that. Transform his small actions into a pathway that leads him to you.
Secret #3: Define Progress as "Pleasure"
Let's assume you're making progress with a guy. He's shown the early signs of interest. And you can tell he genuinely enjoys spending time with you. But something is holding him back.
The solution for taking away his ambivalence is to take away his fear.
It's not you. You are pleasurable and fun. But commitment feels like something else. It feels like an unknown. And floating in a world of ambivalence-a world where he never totally commits to anything-allows him to sidestep the fear of getting stuck in a situation where he can't win.
In other words, show him exactly what he needs to do in order to "win" with you. Remove ambiguity. Remove the unknown. Sometimes that's simply a matter of literally describing to him exactly what you want at this stage of the relationship. But more often, a completely different method is needed.
Define success as "pleasure."
There's synergy between these three secrets for building momentum. Each one has a certain amount of power on its own. But combine the three together, and you'll be surprised at what happens next.
The Synergistic Effect
It's all about the signals that turn on one particular male obsession.
What's the fun of "succeeding" if there's no one there to celebrate it with you? Even something as simple as a beautiful sunset loses much of its significance if there's no one by your side to enjoy it with you.
Momentum matters. Your relationship needs forward momentum. Without it you feel stuck in the mud. Like a race car with tons of horsepower but tires that spin uselessly in a muddy ditch
But with momentum everything changes. With a running start, any car could coast past the muddy patch...even with flat tires. Pure momentum.
3 Secrets for Building Momentum in your Romantic Relationship
The hardest part about building momentum is the very first step. A train can transport a lot of cargo, using a very small amount of fuel. And once the train's momentum builds, you better stay out of its way. But from a stopped position, the train can barely move at all. It can feel like that in your relationship. Which is why a lot of people never bother with trying to build momentum.
After a first attempt to budge the relationship forward, it feels hopeless. Nothing changed. You give up. They focus on the end result they're going for.
You no longer make small, frustrated attempts to grasp for control. You see things differently now. He is coming to you. With that new layer of patience, a new strategy becomes natural to you.
That's the value that you have to offer him. Never forget that. Because that's going to make all the difference in the "vibe" you give off while interacting with him.
It's a vibe that says... "I'm cool, calm, patient, and completely confident in what I have to offer. You'd be lucky to have me. And the gift I have to offer you is literally priceless."
Let's review the main goal. It's momentum. Forward momentum for your relationship. You want it.
Can you imagine one tiny step? One tiny action you could invite him to take? One action that someone would only do if they liked you or wanted to spend more time with you?
Start there. See what happens. Build momentum. And here's why it's called the 1% rule. You can build momentum fast by improving your relationship just 1% at a time.
- It takes away the pressure. You can let go of the need to make him see you're the one for him. That will happen automatically if you just improve 1% at a time.
- It sparks new ideas for improving things. Ideas that would never occur to you if you were racking your brain for one super powerful thing you could do to instantly turn the relationship around.
- It lets you enjoy the journey. Instead of feeling like everything rides on your next interaction with him, you enjoy what's fun and build on that.
Let's assume you're making progress with a guy. He's shown the early signs of interest. And you can tell he genuinely enjoys spending time with you. But something is holding him back.
What is it? Why does he seem to be dragging his feet? He was very interested in the relationship from the start.
But now it's as if he's second-guessing his commitment. Like he's not sure about the thing that's building between the two of you.
Why is this happening?
He feels pulled in two different directions. He wants the good stuff that comes from his relationship with you. But he's nervous about what it all means.Men go through several stages in life. Each stage changes how they react to the prospect of a committed relationship.
Men like to win.
From the time they are boys, males hesitate to take on a challenge unless they have a certain level of confidence in a positive outcome. How does that impact his approach to relationships? Well, in a relationship he wants to "win" at gaining your approval and status. But wait a minute. If that's true, why is he holding back?
Can't he tell you want to move things forward? And the answer comes down to this:
A commitment creates a threat.
The threat comes from his fear of loss. You see, men judge themselves and other men based on accomplishments. It's like a rite of passage. If you want to become a real man, you have to have a mission. It's like the modern version of going on a hunt and coming back with something to show for it.
He has dreams about making a difference in the world, or proving his worth by earning lots of money, or proving his worth by helping lots of people. Then there are social pressures from his guy friends to go on adventures, live the bachelor lifestyle, and answer to no one.
Then there's the desire to win at his relationship with you. That means gaining your approval.
Success in a relationship means he has to keep you happy. And why is that a problem?
Because he's not sure he can please everyone at once. He's not sure who he will become if the relationship continues to move forward. Ambivalence sets in. Ambivalence is the biggest enemy of momentum in romantic relationships.
And the secret is rather simple.- Give him a clear definition of success.
You see, he's not afraid of having a fantastic relationship with you. He's not afraid of succeeding with you. He's not afraid of creating something deep and meaningful with you.
Rather, he's afraid of failure. He's afraid of giving you the wrong idea and then changing his mind. He's afraid of losing. He's afraid of letting others down (you, himself, his friends). But most of all-and here's the really important part-he has one thing blocking his passionate abandon:
In his mind, he has defined commitment as a trap.
So your job is to remove the "unknown" part of this equation. Do that and everything changes. How do you do that? You do it by giving him a more concrete definition of success.
Link his happiness to your happiness. Get rid of the sense that you are two different people trying to get your needs met separately.
And instead, encourage a new mindset. The new mindset is that you can enhance each other's lives by working toward that goal directly. As a team. And as a team, you'll always be discussing strategy.
It will never be this one big commitment talk with all its scary unknowns. Instead, it will be a continuous and ongoing process of discovering new ways to enhance each other's happiness.
The relationship becomes centered around this question: "How can we purposefully plan our interactions to maximize each other's happiness?" That's a surprisingly intimate question.
Use it and something strange begins to happen. The relationship becomes a shared project. Something you work on together. Now he feels in control. So it no longer feels like a trap. It feels like a shared project designed to fit with the other realities of both your lives.
Well defining success as pleasure gets him to take action. Making you happy becomes like a game to him. A game he enjoys. A game he wants to win.
So it's only natural that the more action he takes to make you happy, the more he inadvertently convinces himself that a long-term relationship with you is what he wants.
Because at some deep-down level, he senses it would make you happy.
Meanwhile, the 1% rule is operating in the background. Each step feels small, yet it results in a stride that lengthens over time.
It's still only small changes the two of you work on to enhance your relationship. But each small step builds on what was already established before.
Talk about chain reactions! This is the stuff of magic. It feels effortless, yet the results make it look like a lot of hard work must have taken place.
You become the envy of your friends. They wonder why you don't stress and strain to build momentum the way they do.They wonder why your guy seems to be designed for romantic intimacy while their guy seems to always be on the fence, hot or cold.
It all started with just a few small changes. But those changes set off a chain reaction that builds relationship momentum.
This one idea dwarfs all the others. It has the power to single handedly transform your experience with men. And that's because it's like rocket fuel for your relationship.
The effect on your relationship will be much stronger and much more immediate than you would expect. So only use this last momentum booster if you actually want your relationship to make a sudden leap forward.
An obsession so powerful, it has the ability to make or break your relationship. It's a secret obsession all men share.
And it's affecting your relationship right now, regardless of whether or not you recognize its effects. Knowing about this one obsession all men feel gives you a special insight. An insight that allows you to grow your relationship into something beautiful, stable, and incredibly intimate.
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