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Can The Law Of Attraction Change Someone Else’s Behavior?

Do you feel irritated by the actions of others, perhaps a spouse, a partner, a friend, colleague, or a family member?
Are their habits bothering you?

Now, after the success of your manifestation and using the Law Of Attraction (LOA) to live the life that you desire, you probably think if you can manifest a change in someone’s behaviors…

The answer here is: YOU CAN’T.

BUT, you can INFLUENCE it.

You can’t directly change someone else’s behaviors but you can influence their actions by how you think and act.


Let’s say your partner has changed—he or she is no longer that affectionate compared in the past. After many times of communicating this with your beau, nothing’s changed still. As this leaves you frustrated and your mind is getting filled with negative thoughts about your partner.

Keep in mind that your thoughts can manifest easily because you are too consumed with negative thoughts about your partner. So, one tiny thing that your partner does can set you off and lead to an overreaction that could put your relationship in troubled waters.

When this happens, it’s not mainly about your partner’s behavior, but how you reacted to the tiniest thing that you don’t like your partner doing is the result of your pent-up emotions created by your thoughts.

You are not to blame here, though.

What you can do here is to focus on the problem first, then your thoughts, and lastly, your actions.

So, let’s break the situation down into details:

The problem: You’re not getting the effect that you want from your partner.

Your thoughts: Observe your thoughts, and you will come to the realization that you are amplifying his or her faults because you’re angry and frustrated.

Your actions: You snap at your partner over the tiniest things—what seems to be little problems turn into big ones that lead to arguments. The arguments easily stray off topic in which you would bring up irrelevant things that you have held against your partner over the years that you’ve been together. 

In turn, this will turn into a nasty cycle that never gets resolved. Why? Because the problem isn’t about your partner’s inability to put the toilet seat down, it roots from something deeper—which is your need for more affection.

Now, what can you do to influence their behavior?

You start with your thoughts first. Observe them and correct them right away. I know this can be challenging at the start, but practice it, and you’ll get the hang of it soon enough.

As you observe your thoughts, you will eventually see the truth in it, and you will recognize your mind’s desperate attempts to produce negative emotions towards your partner. When you realize how you can be manipulated easily to create negative emotions, you can start the process of replacing them with positive feelings instead.

When you have this sorted out, it’s time to visualize how you want your partner to be. This doesn’t mean that you’re looking for more, but instead, you’re trying to see how your relationship can be better, not only for you but for the both of you.

Visualize it until you feel in it in your bones. When you visualize how you want your partner to be towards you, you will feel a sense of love and admiration for them. Continue to live in this “fantasy” because this will change your thoughts, and in turn, your behavior.

When your behavior is more positive and genuine, your partner will have no other choice but to recognize it. Soon, you will experience the fruit of your labor as your partner begins to mimic your behavior.

And there, problem solved!

It’s not a walk in the park, but it’s something you can do—not only for your romantic relationships but in your other partnerships.

Commit yourself to this, and you will soon experience yet another miracle of LOA to change the behaviors of others.


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