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Kindness Is A Powerful Vibration: It Can Change the World

The world can undoubtedly seem like a cruel and hostile place sometimes, but we must not dwell on that. A positive world begins with us – wherever we are in the moment.

Be Kind Whenever Possible. It is Always Possible – Dalai Lama
This quote is one I try to live by. The more we focus on the negative and mean aspects of the world, the more we expand that energy with our focus. It is much more productive to feed the energy of positivity and kindness, starting with our own lives.

That doesn’t mean ignoring injustice or pretending that things are fine in the world when they are not. It means we find solutions and productive ways to live, be, and resolve those injustices within our own lives first.

When we do this we avoid getting sucked into feeling hopeless, depressed, and sad about the state of things, and we instead use our energy in a useful and productive way.

Directing our thoughts towards positive change, acts of kindness and easy solutions that we can incorporate into our own lives is the best way to allow this kind and high vibrational energy to expand, and reach others.

Every day there are people acting in kind ways. We can always choose to focus on them, rather than on those acting in corrupt or unfair ways.

Watching too much news and absorbing a lot of information all the time about the state of the world can be toxic. Seeing news of devastation, war, crime, people in pain or distress can make us feel so alone and helpless. This year, in particular, has been a very challenging one, full of difficult news to take in on an almost daily basis.

Instead of focusing on bad news, we can get out there into the world and start making changes, however small they may be.

The first step is always with ourselves. Our own lives are where change begins.

Remember that we are all connected. We are all part of the same Universe.

When you make positive changes in your own life, that energy ripples outwards to your wider circle of friends, acquaintances, and indeed the entire Universe. You inspire others to make a change when you set the example of doing so yourself.

Understanding that we are all connected is crucial to realize just how important it is to be kind to both yourself and others.

What Does Being Kind Mean?

Being kind starts with how you treat yourself. It means treating yourself with respect.

When you do that, you automatically treat others with respect too.

Your kindness is also about how you treat the world we live in, animals, plants, nature are all important recipients of your loving energy.

Being kind comes from your heart and the energy it carries and flows outwards has the power to heal you and those you touch.

Remain Kind, Even When Others Are Cruel

Observing someone else being mean makes it challenging to remain kind. When someone is being cruel or does something you disapprove of it can be easy to get angry, but this will only harm you by lowering your vibration.

You always get to choose kindness in any situation. It doesn’t mean condoning another’s bad behavior, and it doesn’t mean weakness. Being kind means expressing your point of view in a kind way. You can still express your truth but do so with kindness and compassion.

I believe this is very applicable to the kinds of hurtful comments and retaliation that we see often online. There is a hugely toxic environment of people reacting and raging to things they disagree with. To what end? I believe that it just serve to stir up more negative, polarized energy.

It’s certainly challenging to bring kindness to all situations, especially when we are personally triggered by them. There will always be times when anger rises up and takes over, but if you can remember to bring kindness to your response, essentially you add to the raising of the vibration of the planet and the healing of humanity.

Responding with kindness brings new energy to any situation. It has the power to heal and change relationships, and raise the consciousness of our entire world.

Simple Ways To Remember To Be Kind:

Find Humor – Being playful and finding humor is always a remedy for anger. Even when it’s hard to do, look for lightness, look for ways to laugh at yourself – there is great power in that.

See the Light in Another – Remember to see others as they truly are – other people who are going through their own battles and life challenges. It doesn’t excuse cruel behavior but it can help us to understand it and be less triggered ourselves when we remember that the way other people act is often stemming from their own pain and hurt.

Practice ForgivenessForgiveness allows you to release and surrender what weighs you down emotionally. It is less about the other person or situation you are forgiving and much more about how you choose to let go of the burdens that affect you. When you do so, you will find it much easier to automatically turn to kindness as a response.

Practice Gratitude – Practicing gratitude is a wonderful way to conjure up positive feelings of kindness towards others as well as yourself. When you appreciate your life in all its detail, you extend that feeling outwards to all you come into contact with.

Finally, remember that being kind doesn’t mean exhausting yourself trying to please everyone and give to all who are in need or fake your way emotionally when you are really furious about something!

It means offering a smile, a thank you, and a silent prayer for those who need it. It means coming to all your interactions, from those closest and dearest to you to the strangers you meet and even the irritating salesman who won’t leave you alone – with an attitude of kindness.

Kindness is a powerful vibration, one of the most important you can offer the world. When we treat ourselves and others with kindness, we really can change our reality and that of the entire planet.


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