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Love quiz - Do You Feel Loved? Do You Need Intimacy?

Many relationships break despite lot of love between the partners. It seems that love is not enough to sustain a relationship. 

To keep a relationship on a high much more than love is needed.

Talking about love let me ask you - do you feel loved? 

Your partner may have lot of love for you, but do you feel it?

Do you experience it?

How about your partner?

Does he feel your love? Do you show with many gestures that you love your partner? 

Let us go through a quick questionnaire. 

  • How many times in a day, do you say i love you? 
  • How many times in a month you go for dinner together?
  • How many times during a week you talk with each other without any disturbance?
  • How many times you go for a walk without any reason? 
  • How many gifts do you buy for your partner in a month?
  • How many roses did you give on last Valentines Day?
  • Do you go for work no your partners birthday or enjoy the whole day with them?

These are few questions I have raised to find out whether you express your love.

It is good to love and better to express it.

Please find out answers for all these questions about your partner also.

If you find that they do not express love, you will get a clue to why you may be getting little dissatisfied in your relationship.

Expressing love is very important. 

The variety that you use to express your love will bring more excitement to your relationship.

Unexpectedly announcing a holiday and a outing can give a thrill that is difficult to be matched by words.

Actions speak louder than words and words express what is in our heart. 

Express and show to your partner that you love them and you care for their happiness and quality of life.

Do You Need Intimacy?

Intimacy in love means a close relationship that is highly satisfying. To be intimate means that you reveal yourself totally to your partner, hide nothing and feel very comfortable and free.

Intimacy in love means a close relationship that is highly satisfying. 

To be intimate means that you reveal yourself totally to your partner, hide nothing and feel very comfortable and free. it is like talking to yourself.

You become so close and are so sure of your relationship that you talk to your partner as if you are talking to yourself. 

This kind of relationship has great joy and gives a new meaning to relationships. Now a days relationships are getting confined to physical and emotional needs are not being met.

Are you also looking for intimate relationship?

Why not quiz yourself about that?

  • Do you feel comfortable in an intimate relationship? 
  • Do you feel absence of intimate relationship? 
  • When you look at pictures of happy and intimate couples, do you feel little envious?
  • Do you wish that you also had an intimate relationship?
  • Or you feel comfortable as you are and don't want any one to come within your personal space.
  • Do you wish to share others pains and pleasures or want to keep away from details and in a boundary?
  • These are the questions that only you can answer.
Please quiz yourself about these needs. 

This quiz will tell you about your deep felt needs and tell you what will satisfy you.

Also quiz yourself if what you are thinking will truly give you joy?

Quiz yourself about your behavior.

If you need an intimate relationship then ask- why it is not developing? 

  • Quiz yourself about your choice of partner. 
  • Quiz yourself about your relationship with him/her and find out if that is responsible for not developing intimacy.
  • Quiz your partner's mind about his/her opinion.
  • Quiz yourself about how to develop intimacy. 
Begin with small steps and watch the results. If you are happy with the initial results, please go deeper in the relationship and enjoy life.

>>Discover The Missing "Secret Ingredient" To Committed Love That Never Fades


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