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How To Show My Boyfriend I Love Him

Looking for new ways to show your guy you love him? 

How to show your boyfriend you love him a lot lately. Not just boyfriend, but in general, what people do or can do to show their love and affection.

A list of ideas I've come up with and give you a bit of cold harsh reality - but more on that later. 

How to show my boyfriend I love him? Here are a couple of ways, which are numbered for no particular reason:

1. Write Him A Cute Note And Slip It Into His Note Book, Laptop Bag Or Pocket For Him To Find Later. 
Who doesn't like to be reminded that someone cares for them when they least expect it? 

I think little notes with badly drawn cartoons or a simple 'I heart you' are a great way to surprise my guy and show him that you care

2. Cook For Him Or Make His Lunch
Going to the effort to make someone's meal is a great way to show you care. This idea works even better for people who can't cook as you get extra brownie points.

3. Let Him Sleep In, Or Wake Up Early
Once in a while, just let him sleep, or at least don't break out in song. Yes it's true this answer to how to show my boyfriend you love him is basically 'with silence' and I suggest that if you can't force yourself to sleep in then sneak out and go about your business quietly and let him rise naturally.

If the opposite is true for you maybe you should set an alarm and force yourself to wake up cheerfully and make the morning coffee, I'd say you only have to do it a couple of times a year

4. Ask Questions And Listen To The Answers
It shows that you want to be a part of his 'stuff'. Note to self: It's important that you do listen and try not to interrupt all the time. 

Guys generally aren't as forthcoming when it comes to talking about their thoughts and feelings unless they feel completely comfortable, but they need that outlet as much as anyone.

Talking over someone's every word is a sure fire way to have them shut down until eventually you'll just get one word answers

5. Be Yourself 
Erk! A total cliche, but 100% true, when we allow someone to see us both happy and sad, talk about our feelings and fears, sing to ourselves, ask stupid questions, whatever it may be that indicates 'I'm myself with you', it shows that you love him enough to let your guard down. 

A word of caution though, this can go too far - some relationships can handle it but I believe some things should remain sacred like going to the toilet, let's maintain some mystery people!

6. Buy Him Gifts 
Not just the big ones for his birthday but little ones every now and then, like interesting snacks for the office, cheap novelty gifts you happened to walk by, or uber practical stuff like socks and undies (cos lord knows he's going to wear them til they fall off otherwise).

7. Tell Him! 
Yes, so there are rules on this who says what first blah blah, well I'm not going to comment on that, each to there own and all that. 

So assuming you are at a point where its OK to voice your opinions openly, then the best way to show your boyfriend that you love him is to tell him, exactly at the moment when he does something cute, romantic or stupid.

So if you're still with me you're probably thinking duh! I do all that anyways. 

All of the above probably are things you're already doing just because you DO love him too and what you really wanted to find out was not "how to show my boyfriend I love him?" but actually, "how do I make sure my boyfriend/husband/guy I'm in love will see all these things and recognizes them as things I do to show him my love". 

8. Don't Do Them - We hate playing games, but sometimes you do feel like you do everything for him and he doesn't even notice.

So here's my seasoned easier-said-than-done advice on this one, don't do!

Half the time you're doing things and he never asked you, you just do it because you love him. 

You make it so easy for him and it starts to make you feel taken for granted. If this is you too, give yourself a break, he'll either realize how horrible it is doing these things himself, miss the way you do stuff, OR he wont even notice and you'll kick yourself but immediately save yourself time, heart pain and effort in future.

9. Do Nothing - Right, here's an attitude readjustment for some of you - loving someone sometimes means being taken for granted and you can't always expect credit for everything you do. 

Of course there are boundaries and again, never be a door matt, don't let people take you for granted, but if you're asking for praise for every little thing you do, it's not really about loving them, it's just about attention. If you're feeling like this then maybe the step above is for you

10. Love Yourself And Give Both Of You Space In Your Relationship
You have to remember not to lose yourself in your love for someone else. Looking after yourself means a more confident, self-assured, interesting version of 'you'.

When I'm happy I have more headspace to love others in a real way rather than trudging through feeling like I-do-everything-for-them-and-what-do-I-get-in-return-blah-blah... sound familiar? 

Force yourself to take time to do your own thing, hang out with your own friends, have your own personal hobbies that you don't share and let him do the same. 

Maybe this isn't how to show my boyfriend I love him, it's just a reminder that sometimes you have to give him a chance to miss you

11. Talk to him
This can range from the emotional blackmail type statement - "I'm only doing this because I love you!" or "God I must love you so much to be doing this kind of thing!" to the fishing "Why do you love me?" to the blatant (which is my recommendation cos let's face it guys are a bit dumb) "If you were going to identify things that I do to show you that I love you, what would they be?"

It's probably clear that communication is the key to a great relationship and the absolute best idea for How To Show My Boyfriend That I Love Him is to look him in the eye and tell him how I feel, whatever that may be at the time.


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