Article from dating coach James Bauer [1] "More and more often, I’ve been hearing from women that relationships are dead. Men don’t want to get to know you anymore. They just want to jump into bed. Even though these women state clearly in their profiles that they want a relationship, the men they meet have something else on their minds. Instead of conversation, these women get sexual innuendo. Instead of dates, they get asked to come over. Instead of flirting, they get unwanted pics. “Guys don’t even want to take you anywhere,” one woman told me. “It’s all, bring over a bottle of wine and let’s Netflix and chill. Which is code for wanting to get lucky.” This change has been driven by dating apps, which create the perception of abundance. For singles looking for something casual, ordering a partner online feels as easy as ordering a pizza. But for singles looking for love, the digital dating odds aren’t much better than finding a needle in a haystack. Why is it so...